Jamin Leather® Catalog. does not share, sell, lease, lend, offer, or disclose any of our mailing list, phone or e-mail information to anyone or outside our company and it's affiliates other than what is permitted or required by law. Information customers and prospects provided are for the explicit use of Jamin Leather® Catalog and their affiliate companies including but not limited to Jamin Leather®, Jamin Town LLC, Jailhouse Services LLC, and for product information mailings or notices. Jamin Leather retains all personal information as private and will remain in our databases until company processes a NCOA request (national change of address provided through the US Postal Service) or customer requests specific removal, or until management deems necessary for removal. We do not provide personal information to any third party source with the confidential exception of credit cards processors and card servicing bank.
This Jamin Leather® Catalog's online catalog uses a SSL (secure socket layer) during the order process to protect our customers, their personal and credit card information. Jamin Leather® Catalog purchasing customers can expect that all funds processed on their credit card at time of their online, retail or phone purchase will be held against the credit or debit card regardless of the shipping or available status of merchandise or services at that moment of purchase. Customers must give Jamin Leather® 7-14 days to clear any amounts back to their credit card upon discovery of any errors or discrepancies. Jamin Leather® Catalog cannot be held responsible for customers credit limits or available balances on those accounts.